Video content

A looping video with me using just the HOG and two delay pedals.  Taken with my digital camera, so the quality is crap, but whatever.  It was fun.

Cheap delay and a DIY pedal

Board update!

February board

Got a second Echohead because they were on clearance at Musician’s Friend.  I’m not really sure how to use two delays yet, but I couldn’t pass up the deal.  I then altered my tap tempo box to have tap tempo switches for both pedals.  While I was at it I did a little bit of nicer artwork on my looper and the tap tempo box: permanent marker covered in scotch tape!

This meant my Looper is not off the board, which is fine, because I’m OK carrying it along when I know I’m doing looping, otherwise there’s not really a reason to have it on the board.  Someday I’ll have an EHX 2880 anyway, which will have a dedicated board with it’s foot controller.

Anywho, I started work on a DIY noisegate.  I have the enclosure there just filling in space while I wait on the PCB components.  I etched my own PCB for it, and will post a little step by step pictorial about that whole process when we get that far.

Little Jake Model “H”

In conjunction with Paul Hanson, I’ve created the Model “H” of my Little Jake bassoon pickup.  This is identical to the normal Little Jake, but with the threaded interface that Paul uses with his FRAP.  This provides a more secure connection with the bocal.

Because this will not come out of the bocal if there is a pull on the chord, I highly recommend that you attach the wire to the long joint before the slack of the wire goes to the preamp.  This will assure that if you accidentally tug on the wire it won’t break the Little Jake!


Board re-do

Recarpeted the effects board and changed the signal chain around while I had everything off the old carpet.  Turns out I like the envelope filter after dirt after all, even though I didn’t think it would work at first.  Frequency Analyzer also sounds better after the envelope filter, not before, and sounds just fine after dirt, so it all works out.

Chain is now EQ > HOG > (Direct out to Mixer) Effect out > Noise Box > Distortion Booster > MMM > DFW Envelope FIlter > Frequency Analyzer > Small Stone > TB Loop > (Send to Mixer) > Return from Mixer blends in dry signal from HOG and microphones if needed, else > Echohead > RC-2 > Amp.

Very versatile and everything sounds great!

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